

Links are defined using <a> tag. href means Hypertext Reference. <a> is closing HTML tag
As we know the HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to write web page. HTML tags are the core of Hypertext Markup Language. <b>HTML tags</b> are the core of Hypertext Markup Language.

The “b” stands for bold and HTML tags are always enclosed in angled brackets, with the closing tag starting with a forward slash. If the forward slash is forgotten, the remainder of the page will assume the effect. 

Here is some HTML Tag 


Now here is Example of a link
Visit Here <a href="http://arvindjangid.blogspot.com/">Arvind jangid</a>

In this example Arvind Jangid is hyperlinked with the address "http://arvindjangid.blogspot.com and shows like this-

Visit Here  Arvind Jangid

Here is some link values used with link

_blankLink Opens the URL in a new browser window.
_selfLink Opens the URL in the current browser window.
_parentLink Opens the URL into the parent frame (still within the current browser window). This is only applicable when using frames.
_topLink Opens the URL in the current browser window, but cancelling out any frames. Therefore, if frames were being used, they aren't any longer.


Visit Here <a href="http://arvindjangid.blogspot.com/" target="_blank">Arvind Jangid</a>

In above link the value target="_blank" results the link open in browser new window.

Visit Here Arvind Jangid


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